
A culinary gypsy's search for new ingredients & classic techniques

Who said “Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Look at this Healthy Boy!

Look at this Healthy Boy!

Whoever made this comment must have been connected with the fruit loop brand. I have now come to understand under the tutelage of mon Chef, that coffee is breakfast and if you feel weak- you eat a croissant  or pain chocolate in extreme cases. Eat some from fruit with your coffee, if you are feeling guilty and if you are struggling with an addiction, then an electric cigarette with your coffee is recommended by many unlicensed medical advisors.

Keep breakfast simple. Save yourself for lunch. It’s THREE COURSES. None of the three course involved a peanut butter sandwich or a plastic Baggie. I’m not even sure if Baggies are even legal in every part of France.

So back to lunch. The French have perfected lunch. It’s two hours normally. Why would you want to have just an half an hour and rush back to work chewing on a peanut butter stained Baggie wondering why your hate lunch. However, for those of you thinking I get the two hour lunch, it is not so for les etudientes of cuisine. One hour  exactly and we are chopping again.

But before we chop we eat. Check this cafeteria special du jour.

Closest We Came to the Dreaded Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Closest We Came to the Dreaded Ham and Cheese Sandwich

Pastry Chef is Back from Vacation

Pastry Chef is Back from Vacation

Looks Pretty

Looks Pretty

Forgot to mention that most days we have eat the creations we made before lunch. So I guess lunch really does span two hours or more and includes four courses. Good bye Peanut Butter, Good bye Fruit Loops. Hello Lipitor.


I am a culinary gypsy in search of new ingredients and techniques from around the world. I am pursuing my dream of sharing great tasting food in a great atmosphere in the village of Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada.

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