
A culinary gypsy's search for new ingredients & classic techniques

Oui Chef

Vegetarian Delight

Vegetarian Delight


There’s a couple new things I have learned. There are something like 17 different cuts of vegetables. So much for the slice, dice and julienne. When you cut these many vegetables, somebody is going to get cut (not me on the first day). I am not a chef. I am not a cook. I am series of bad habits in the kitchen. So I am learning to watch, listen and repeat after me- Oui Chef.

Our chef instructors are amazing. But here’s a tip. Never ask about what temperature you cook something on the stove? The answer is hot, but don’t burn it or I will either smell it or taste it. One exact thing is soup. 20 minutes to cook. Not 18, not 21 minutes. How much butter do you put in your soup? Until it tastes good. Oui Chef! How much vegetables in the soup? The same amount as the leeks! Oui Chef ! Notice the absence of measurement in the kitchen.

But here’s the weird part. With a couple of FRENCH techniques and some trays of vegetables, I ate at the best soup buffet ever.

I had a little help from nine other knives

I had a little help from nine other knives

Before you dig into the soup. Check out this collection of spoons. Remember there are 17 cuts of vegetables and even more spoons. If you can identify all them I’ll send you a baguette in the mail.

Here's a spoonful of Trivia

Here’s a spoonful of Trivia

Here’s some more prepped product for soup buffet. I’d write more but I am cooking eggs tomorrow. What way will I be cooking eggs? THE RIGHT WAY…… Oui Chef.

Chop, chop!

Chop, chop!


I am a culinary gypsy in search of new ingredients and techniques from around the world. I am pursuing my dream of sharing great tasting food in a great atmosphere in the village of Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada.

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