
A culinary gypsy's search for new ingredients & classic techniques

A Chicken in Every Pot

Where's the Make Up Artist?

N Where’s the Make Up Artist?

Chicken needs a press agent. Nobody says , “Hey I just can’t wait to sink my teeth into a properly roasted chicken.” That exclamation is reserved for steak or redefined steak a.k.a. Hamburger. The healthy folks of the world  eat chicken breast poached in mediocrity. The party people get together and have wings. Not sure who eats the leg and thigh except customers of KFC. Last but not least chicken organs, ok – guts. We’ve run into a media imaging issue. Even if I said try some sauté chicken livers in vodka with toasted walnuts, you would probably opt for day old KFC.

Looks Better than Dead Chicken

Looks Better than Dead Chicken

Chicken is just like you and me. A lot of us don’t look so great naked and without a certain amount of trimmings and little cooking like tanning, nobody would have us for dinner.

So after a few ingredients later and some quality time under a heat source, you look a lot better than when you woke up.

One of My Creations Skinless Chicken

One of My Creations
Skinless Chicken

A Little More Classic Roast

A Little More Classic Roast

Once you get though the basics there are a million things that you can do with chicken. Every culture has a chicken recipe. We should celebrate the lowly chicken with a world wide movement. Perhaps international day of the chicken we could all do eh chicken dance at 11:30 and then take a chicken to lunch. The celebration would end approximately one hour and 350 degrees later with only one person coming back from lunch.

Chicken 10 Ways

Chicken 10 Ways

More Chicken!

More Chicken!

Should be Combo 3  at KFC

Should be Combo 3 at KFC




I am a culinary gypsy in search of new ingredients and techniques from around the world. I am pursuing my dream of sharing great tasting food in a great atmosphere in the village of Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada.

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